Betting On Yourself & Trusting Your Instincts

Joshua Luna
2 min readSep 14, 2020
Thought Catalog via Unsplash

With the hospitality industry taking a hard hit during the last several months, it was a surprise to see Airbnb filing for an IPO this year.

After just two months into the pandemic, the company lost 80% of its sales and was left with reevaluating its business model.

In a time where hospitality leaders are alarmingly quiet, CEO Brian Chesky is betting on customers changing their travel habits by spending “a few months at a time in different places” post-pandemic.

In addition to its predictions, the company has moved its list of experiential offerings online and is transitioning its inventory to accommodate long-term rentals.

As there’s no real case study to follow, Airbnb aims to be the frontrunner in creating the future of hospitality.

Teachable Moment:

You’re not always going to have a blueprint for the decisions you need to make. Sometimes you’ll have to either play it safe or double down on your core values and bet on yourself.

P.S. Did you like what you read? This is a story from the latest volume of Teachable Moments, a newsletter presented by Ask Vida.

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